Web Chat is a quarterly webinar discussion hosted by Literacy Action Network and led by state ABE staff from the MN Department of Education. The Web Chat will be:
1) State and program data on post-testing and distance learning
2) GED and High School Equivalency Exam updates
3) Adult Career Pathway efforts, including student advising committee
4) New State Adult Diploma Updates
5) Federal updates (WIOA and CCRS)
6) Additional ABE system updates
To register go to: https://student.gototraining.com/r/5953904204595216640
You must register by 10:00 in order to participate.
For those of you that will not be able to participate, we will record the Web Chats with MNABE; Literacy Action Network will post them on their website at: www.literacyactionnetwork.org/supplemental-service-activities/web-chat-with-mnabe