EL/Civics Grant Open Forum

02/22/2013 - 9:30am to 12:30pm
Minnesota Department of Education, 1500 Highway 36 West, Roseville, MN 55113

The state ABE office is holding an open forum to discuss the EL/Civics grant on Friday, February 22 from 9:30am-12:30pm in Conference Center A, Room CC-14.  At this forum, we will discuss:

  • The history and the policies that have guided this grant;
  • Guidelines and support in applying for the EL/Civics grant;
  • Potential recommendations regarding the next EL/Civics grant RFP (request for proposal); and
  • Questions participants have about the EL/Civics grant.


This forum is not required, but is open to any entity that may be interested in knowing more and those wanting to provide feedback on the EL/Civics grant.  Administrators, instructors and students are welcome; limit 3 people per organization.  Total participation is limited to 80 people.  Registration will be organized first come, first served.



To register, please email Cherie Eichinger at Cherie.eichinger@state.mn.us with your name, phone number and organization.



If you are unable to join the forum but would like to provide any feedback about the EL/Civics grant, please send your feedback electronically to Cherie Eichinger at Cherie.eichinger@state.mn.us

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