Results of Statewide Scan

In early fall 2009, 48 Minnesota Consortia completed an online scan to assess the current use of Distance Learning in ABE programs around Minnesota. Highlights of the survey:

Use of Distance learning

64% of consortia represented are already using some distance learning, and an additional 21% are delivering some significant content through distance learning.

Distance Learning Programs

The most common distance learning program used is GED-i (94%), followed by Mindqwest (47%). Other programs include preparatory program for the National Work Readiness Certificate, Skills Tutor, Lifetime Learning, take home resources, English for All (EFA), Learner Web,  and USA Learns.

Distance Learning Partners

The majority of consortia do not partner with others in delivering distance learning. Of those who do, the most common partners include Workforce Centers, 21%; K12, 15%; MNSCU, 13%; and employers, 9%.


The most common challenges identified in using distance learning include lack of follow-through by adult learners once enrolled, 83%; lack of participation by adult learners, 55%; difficulty in reaching potential learners and lack of financial resources, each 49%; teaching staff inadequately trained to use distance learning, 43%; lack of curricula or technology infrastructure, 38%; lack of knowledge regarding distance learning, 36%; uncertainty about how to use distance learning in an ABE context, 32%; and difficulties in tracking hours/post-testing adult learners using distance learning, 32%.

Resources Needed

Resources needed to expand distance learning include financial, 80%; training for staff, 69%; better ways to share experiences,  ideas, etc. with other ABE programs, 56%; more approved distance learning programs from which to choose, 47%; technological support, 38%; and additional state policy development, 31%.