Performance Targets and Results

The federal Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education (OCTAE) negotiates with the Minnesota Department of Education to set annual performance targets for Minnesota's ABE system. At the end of each program year, ABE consortia report performance to MDE. MDE-ABE staff then report composite performance results for the state to OCTAE, through the National Reporting System (NRS). Individual programs or consortia do not report directly to OCTAE.

Performance Targets

Minnesota Adult Education Performance Targets (2024-26) (Posted July 8, 2024)

Past performance targets:

Report Cards

Minnesota Adult Education report cards show statewide averages and consortium aid per participant, measurable skill gains for ABE- and ESL-level participants, post-testing rates, and retention/persistence for ABE- and ESL-level students.

NOTE: report cards were not produced for 13-14 and 14-15, due to the changes in accountability requirements from WIA to WIOA.

Statewide Performance Reports (SPR)

This report documents Minnesota Adult Education outcomes for indicators outlined in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), which includes the following participant outcomes:

  • Measurable Skill Gains (MSGs)
  • Employment 6 months after exiting adult education
  • Employment 1 year after exiting adult education
  • Median quarterly earnings
  • Credential attainment

Minnesota Adult Education Statewide Performance Reports (by year submitted)

National Reporting System

All federally-reported outcomes for Minnesota's Adult Education system can be found on the National Reporting System website.